Textile Dispersing Agent – Universal anionic dispersing agent and protective colloid for Disperse and Vat dyes in dyeing processes. Used in manufacture of Disperse and Vat dyes.

Chemical Nature : Anionic product based on poly-condensation of an aromatic amine.


  • Low dusting light brown powder.
  • Low salt content.
  • Stable to acids, alkalis, electrolytes even at high temperatures.
  • Stable at all dilutions. Miscible in cold and hot water in all proportions.
  • Aqueous solutions of Leomine Disperse XPD exhibits low viscosity.
  • In acid liquors Leomine Disperse XPD shows affinity to polyamide fibres like wool and silk.
  • Very less tendency to foam


  • Leomine Disperse XPD stabilizes dye dispersions.
  • Improves quality of dyeing.
  • Provides better levelness in dyed material.


This textile dispersing agent does not contain APEO / NPEO.


This textile dispersing agent has a shelf life of at least one year if stored in its tightly sealed original packing at temperatures between 5ºC and 35ºC in a dry place. Bags should be tightly resealed each time the material is taken from them, and their contents should be used up as soon as possible after they have been opened.


Appearance: Light brown powder

Solubility: Approx. 500 g/l in water

pH: 7.0 – 9.0

Moisture Content: 3.5 % max


This dispersing agent is resistant to acids, alkalis and electrolytes even at high temperatures.


Leomine Disperse XPD is compatible with anionic and non-ionic auxiliaries. Precipitation may occur if applied along with cationic products.


Leomine Disperse XPD can be dissolved in 10 to 20 times its quantity in cold or hot water under stirring till the solids are dissolved.

Recommended Dyeing recipes 

Disperse dyes :
  • Leomine Disperse XPD can be used as dispersing agent in dyeing polyester, cellulose acetate and triacetate with disperse dyes.

Recommended dosage Approx. 0.5 – 2 g/l Leomine Disperse XPD

Disperse dyes usually contain insufficient quantities of dispersing agents as diluents. The amount of Leomine Disperse XPD required depends on source of the disperse dyes . However adding this textile dispersing agent becomes important with liquid dyes that do not contain much dispersing agents, A higher dosage of Leomine Disperse XPD will be required when dyeing is carried out in short liquors in order to ensure a stable dye dispersion throughout the dyeing process. This will overcome the greater risk of dyestuff agglomeration. Leomine Disperse XPD both stabilizes the dye dispersion during the dyeing process. and prevents agglomeration of dye particles remaining in the dye bath as it cools down.

Vat dyes:

Stock vat :

  • The stability of stock vats can be considerably improved by adding approx. 5 – 10 g/l Leomine Disperse XPD. The product must be added to the dye dispersion before it is vatted.

Jigger dyeing :

  • Approx. 2 g/l Leomine Disperse XPD is added to improve the stability of the dye liquor. The product prevents vat acid stains.

Package dyeing machine or winch dyeing:

  • Approx. 1 – 3 g/l Leomine Disperse XPD is added to prevent precipitation and filtration of the dyes.

Pad-steam process :

  • Approx. 2 g/l Leomine Disperse XPD in the chemical padder prevents agglomeration of dye particles in the liquor. After steaming, this textile dispersing agent facilitates removal of the unfixed dye leading to level dyeing. The presence of Leomine Disperse XPD is especially important during the oxidation of vat dyes. It prevents agglomeration and filtration of the newly formed insoluble pigments in the oxidation bath.

Stock vat :

  • Adding approx. 1 g/l Leomine Disperse XPD to the stock vat formulation increases the dyeing reliability.
Naphthol dyes
  • Approx. 1 – 3 g/l Leomine Disperse XPD is added to stabilize naphthol dye impregnating baths.
Washing off prints

Disperse dyes :

  • This textile dispersing agent is particularly recommended for washing off prints with Disperse dyes on blends of acetate or triacetate with polyamide. It stops the dye from going on to the polyamide component during washing off.
  • Application rate: approx. 1 – 1.5 g/l

Basic dyes :

  • On account of its anionic nature, This textile dispersing agent has affinity to cationic dyes and is often added to the wash baths.
  • Application rate: approx. 0.5 – 1 g/l


When using this textile dispersing agent, the information and advice given in our Material Safety Data Sheet should be observed. Due attention should also be given to the precautions necessary for handling chemicals.

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